

A warm wish MAXTECH Automation Machinery Co.,Ltd, website officially launched ...  

MAXTECH Automation Machinery Co.,Ltd---Formerly known as “CMI Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd” is a high-tech automation company which is specialized in manufacturing polyurethane foam machinery , mattress machinery and pillow machinery. To know more about us, kindly visit our websites : http://www.maxtech-auto.com & http://www.cmiauto.com .

"Honesty, Quality&Service first" is our goal. Our commitment to quality is definite! Customers' satisfaction is our top priority! We are always ready to give full technicial support to our customers when they need it! We are constantly improving the quality, design and productivity of our machines and always hand in hand with our customers we improve the technical support & service, before and after the business!

Your trustworthy Foam Machine, Mattress Machine & Pillow Machine Manufacturer in China---MAXTECH Automation Machinery Co.,Ltd



時(shí)間:8:00 - 18:00

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