

MAXTECH Automation Machinery Co., Ltd succeeded in CIFM/Interzum fair Guangzhou 2015

MAXTECH Automation Machinery Co., Ltd has participated in the China International Furniture Machinery &Furniture Raw Materials Fair(Guangzhou) 2015, thanks a lot to all of the visitors.


During the exhibition, the Pillow Cases Manufacturing Production Line that develop by our own R&D team caused strong interest of our customers. Some customers even live Purchase Orders at the fair. As the first manufactory who has developed this production line, we are proud of ourselves. Meanwhile, in order to keep this advantage, we’ll continue effort on leading technique & good service to offer our customers.


In this exhibition, the advanced of our core technology has been fully demonstrated .With deep understanding of customer’s needs and market trends, through the communication with the guests. It proved the correctness of our firm’s concept ----technological innovation,make perfection more perfect. In the future, our company will keep insist on leading technology, quality first, and work together with customers for a better future.



時間:8:00 - 18:00

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